Orthodontic & Invisalign Course for Dentists
Comprehensive Orthodontic Course on Straightwire Orthodontics, Invisalign & Micro Implant for Beginners
Course Structure
This course consists of 4 modules. Each module lasts for three full days. The program is listed as follows:
- Andrew’s Six keys to Occlusion
- Concept of Straight Wire Appliance (SWA) & Straight Wire Low Friction (SWLF)
- Bracket Positioning and Orthodontic Bonding – Theory and Hands-on
- Banding Procedures
- Instrumentation in Fixed Appliances
- The 3 stages in SWA, Basic Archwire Properties and Sequencing in SWA
Stage 1 (Level & Align) – Theory and Hands-on
Stage 2 SWA Therapy – Theory and Hands-on with En-masse Retraction
Stage 3 (finishing) & De-banding and Enamel Cleaning-Up Procedures - Retention in Orthodontic Treatment
- Arch Length Discrepancy
- Introduction to Cephalometry and Cephalometric Analysis
- Introduction to Invisalign
- Fixed Appliance Versus Invisalign – How and when to decide on choice?
- Vertical Control in SWA – Dealing with Deep Bites and Open Bites
- Overbite Control in SWA using Reverse Curves and Utility Archwire
- Utility Archwire and Reverse Curve Archwire – Hands-on
- Space Gaining Techniques in Orthodontic Diagnosis
- The Great Debate in Orthodontics – To Extract or Not to Extract?
- Principles of Anchorage in Orthodontic Treatment – Minimum, Moderate and Maximum Anchorage
- Adult Orthodontic Treatment – Key Differences from Adolescent Treatment
- Aesthetic Appliances – Ceramic Appliances, Lingual Appliances, Invisalign?
- Use of Rapid Palatal Expanders to Gain Space in Adult Treatment
- Invisalign Appliance – Treatment of Various Malocclusions
- Temporomandibular joint Considerations in Orthodontics Treatment
- Overjet Control in SWA & Straight Wire Low Friction (SWLF)
- Class II and III Mechanics in SWA
- T-loop Closing Archwire in Deep Bite Class II Cases – (Theory and Hands-on)
- Cephalometrics II – Theory and Practical of Location of Points and Planes and Cephalometric Measurements
- Finishing Procedure in SWA Treatment
- Interpretation of Cephalometric Analysis, Computerized Cephalometrics
- Cephalometric Superimposition Techniques to Assess Treatment Response
- Introduction to Submentovertex to Assess Asymmetry
- Limits to Orthodontic – Orthognathic Surgery Cases
- Principles in Orthodontic – Restorative Cases with SWA and Invisalign
- Anchorage Principles in Orthodontic Treatment
- Microimplant Anchorage – Theory and Hands-on
- Phases 1 Orthodontic Treatment – Indications for Early Orthodontic Treatment
- Craniofacial Growth and its implication to Orthodontic Treatment
- 2×4 Fixed Appliances
- Functional Appliances with Special Reference to Twin Block and Bionator
- Orthopedic Appliances and its Efficacy
- The Use of Herbst Appliance for Correcting Skeletal 2 Cases in late
- Adolescence
- Elastics in SWA
- Six keys to Success in SWA
- 3 Stage 5 Archwire Approach to SWA
- Self-ligating and low Friction Appliances – Damon and Straightwire Low Friction
- Sectional Mechanics in Orthodontic Therapy – Indications and Principles
- Sectional Molar Uprighting Techniques- Theory and Hands-on
- Management of Impacted Canines, Premolar and Incisors
- Third Molar Protocol in Orthodontic Therapy
- Retention
Course Highlights
- The course is designed for those doctors with/without or having little training on Orthodontics and Invisalign
- Hands-on training including Osstem Micro Implant will be provided
- Diagnostic Orthodontic E-Services for Treatment planning will be provided exclusively by Dr. Kenneth Lew but subject to service charges
- Study club meeting will be held in Hong Kong for Orthodontics case discussion as well as case study. This is subject to additional charge
Intermediate Course on Orthodontics & Invisalign (Module 5)
Course Structure
After completion of 4 Modules of the Course for Beginners, an Intermediate Course on Orthodontics & Invisalign (Module 5) will be implemented.
- Functional Appliance – Rationale, theory, Biomechanics and Harvold’s mechanics of trimming occlusal surface of function appliances to facilitate molar from Class II to Class I
- Hands-on: Functional Appliance Construction Bite – The Vertical, Antero-posterior and transverse dimensions principles using Compound Jig + PVC technique
- Systematic Mechanics in Handling Class II and Class III cases in Phase 1 Orthodontic therapy (Early Treatment)
- Hands-on – for Phase 1 Orthodontic 2 X 4 SWA appliance with systematic archwire sequencing
- Serial Extraction in Interceptive Orthodontics – Does this have a place in 21 st century Orthodontics?
- The importance of Space maintainers in Interceptive Orthodontics
- Optimal Handling of first molar extraction cases with SWA with systematic archwire sequencing & Invisalign – Ortho-Prostho Relationship
- Systematic extrusion of impacted canines – Theory & Hands-on using Gold Chain
- Understanding Histology and biology of tooth movements to optimize orthodontic therapy and avoid medico-legal issues
- Techniques to optimize Finishing SWA – Theory & Hands-on
- Self Ligating Brackets (Dr Damon) and Low friction systems (Straight Wire Low friction System – Dr Suarez)
- How do these systems offer advantage over traditional SWA –what is the Buzz?
- Hands-on construction of Transpalatal arch in the dental Clinic (The 10 min TPA construction)
- Case Scenarios and case discussion presented by Dr. Lew: Participating Doctors to diagnose and propose treatment plans
- Problem solving of doctors’ presented cases
Course Highlights
Module 5 course is designed for those doctors who have attended the course in Orthodontics & Invisalign for Beginners (Module 1 to 4) with Dr. Kenneth Lew.
- Doctors who wish to further their knowledge and skills in Orthodontics & Invisalign Treatment to complement their General Practice
- Hands-on training on
– Functional Appliance Construction Bite
– 2 X 4 fixed appliance with systematic archwire sequencing
– Construction of Transpalatal Arch in the dental office
– Eruption of impacted canine using Gold chain technique
Dr. Kenneth Lew – BIOGRAHPY
Educated in Singapore under a Public Service Commission Scholarship, Dr. Kenneth Lew graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 1982 with numerous University Medals. He then studied orthodontics in University of Adelaide with the late Professor Milton Sims, under a National University of Singapore scholarship from 1984 to 1987. After graduating with a Master of Dental Surgery Orthodontics in 1987, he served as an academic in National University of Singapore Dental Faculty and a Clinician in National University Hospital. In 1992, he received the Fellowship of Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, without any examination, as an acknowledgement for his vast contribution to dentistry. A Fellow Academy of Medicine on both general and specialist rolls. Dr. Lew has served as external examiners to both Bachelor of Dental Surgery & Master of Dental Surgery Orthodontics programs regionally as well as in Australia. He has authored over 60 articles published in international refereed journals as well as being invited to speak at more than 300 conferences worldwide.
Dr Lew is cited in “International Who’s who of Professionals” as a “dental expert in orthodontics and esthetic dentistry who is the secret behind the smiles of many Asian celluloid personalities”. Prior to his departure to full-time private practice in 1994, Dr. Lew was the founder and Co-Director of the Master of Dental Surgery Orthodontics program in National University of Singapore. Being on the Asian lecture circuit since 1994, Dr. Lew has conducted orthodontic courses for Specialists and GPs in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong and Australia. Hundreds of dentists have benefited from his approachable mentorship cum extensive clinical experience in treating both Asians & Caucasian orthodontic patients for the last 25 years (many of which are celebrities) and his unique ability to impart knowledge in an easily comprehensible manner. Dr. Lew was a founder member of Association of Orthodontics (Singapore) and served previously as the President of AOS (Singapore).
Dr. Kenneth Lew has been running orthodontics courses for GPs, Paedodontists, Orthodontics in Hong Kong in 2003 and in Indonesia in 2005. His courses have been very well received. He also took part in designing a course for the College of General Practitioners Singapore in 2010. It is indeed a great pleasure for Xpert Dental Institute Training Ltd to team up with Dr. Kenneth Lew to deliver a bespoke course in Orthodontics in Hong Kong.
Xpert Dental Training Institute Ltd
Xpert Dental Training Institute Ltd is established in Hong Kong. Its motive is to offer specialized courses related to dental Knowledge, skills and training for General Practitioners (GP), Dental Surgery Assistants (DSA) and other interested parties in Hong Kong, Macau, China and other south-east Asia countries.
Contact Us
Hotline: (852) 5322 9949
Course Director: Mr. James Chu
Mr. Chu is a highly experienced course organizer cum operational and management expert in the area of dental healthcare systems. He presents a series of courses in orthodontics and related dental care courses. Mr. Chu has earned excellent compliments for organizing these courses successfully in the past years with nearly 300 Dentists benefitted by these courses.
Head Office
Room 1206, 12/F, CRE Centre, 889 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon
Telephone: (852) 2332 4788
Fax: (852) 2332 5855
Website: www.xpertdental.com.hk
E-mail: james@xpertdental.com.hk